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Due to Covid-19 we only offer private sessions until further notice

Therapy dog / Social service dog

Therapy dogs or social service dogs work together with their owners to make people feel better. They are trained to give comfort and affection to the person they visit.


Studies show children and adults in hospital are more willing to do painful tests when a dog is by their side. An other study has also shown there were no more bacteria in the hospital with a dog there.


Therapy dogs can work in school being someone to read or calming hyper and excited children down.

They can also to work at nursing homes helping to mobilitate elderly and being that special friend that visit every week.


Cilla Danielsson from Hundens Hus started training thereapy dogs and now also with Pawsitive dogs Algarve. "Her dogs" are now a widley spread in the schools all over the country helping children to read


Links to studies






If you are interested in becoming a therapy dog handler click here for information

Pawsitive Dogs Algarve

Tel: +351 91 707 60 40

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